Our Adult PRP is a person-centered, recovery focused rehabilitative care program for individuals suffering from chronic mental illness and addiction. This program assists individuals in improving their life skills and finding mental wellness. We advocate and promote recovery and resiliency. The individual will work with PRP staff to develop an individualized treatment plan addressing their goals and needs and strategies to ensure each individual’s success. We assist to develop coping skills, appropriate communication skills, and improved ability to complete daily tasks, symptom management, and positive peer support systems.
Adult PRP services assist clients reaching goals in:
- Wellness management: Identify substance abuse, mental health, and physical health needs. We will work with clients to connect with treatment providers and ensure these needs are being addressed.
- Family support: We will assist clients in identifying family issues and create a plan for stabilization and appropriate social skills with family interactions.
- Entitlements: We will help client identify financial needs and work with clients to access entitlements and financial assistance to follow up with applications and recertifications.
- Symptom Management: We will work with the client to make sure they are actively participating in therapy and maintaining contact with psychiatrist services as needed. Coordinate with therapist. Develop skills to participate and advocate for themselves in all aspects of mental health treatment.
- Social skills development: Community integration activities; group and self-directed leisure activities, activities related to client’s spiritual interests.
- Completion of daily tasks: Development strategies to complete day to day tasks to improve quality of life.
- Improved support systems: Help client to identify and participate in activities where they can develop a peer support system.
- Coping Skills: PRP staff will help client develop and utilize coping skills that can help manage frustration, anxiety, and stress.
- Communication Skills: Develop and utilize appropriate communication skills to better help the individual to better help express their feelings with friends, family, and co-workers.
We offer wellness management, family support, entitlements, social skills development, improved coping skills, appropriate communication skills, completion of daily tasks, symptom management, and improved support systems.